SWOT Article #7

iRobot Scooba

Link: http://www.irobot.com/For-the-Home/FloorScrubbing/Scooba.aspx

Summary: The Scooba is a floor cleaning robot that scrubs hard floors. It can clean up to 300 square feet and costs $599.99. It removes 93.3% of bacteria.

Strengths: This is a good device for people who may not have enough time to clean their floors, or someone who is unable to clean their floor, for whatever reason.

Weaknesses: There is a chance that the Scooba will bump into something, and that may cause a malfunction.

Opportunities: The Scooba is going to inspire a lot of new designs and functions to make cleaning easier for us.

Threats: The opportunity is a threat. More and more companies are going to make things like the Scooba, so there is going to be a lot of competition.

Personal Opinion: While I think that the Scooba is a great and innovative invention, I personally wouldn’t buy it.  I don’t want a computer to do all the work that I am capable of doing myself.

Questions: When will things like the Scooba be available and more affordable?

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