Article #8

How ‘Third Way’ Technologies Can Help Turn Tide on Climate




Summary: Global Warming has been an issue for an extremely long time, but we’ve only realized the threat over the past couple centuries or so. Tim Flannery, an Australian scientist and author wrote a book titled “Atmosphere Of Hope”. In the book, he discussed different kinds of new and safe technology that will slow the effects of global warming.

Strengths: If everything goes well, this technology will change the lives of many people and their quality of life.

Weaknesses: If something goes wrong with the technology and it malfunctions, there is a chance that the outcome of that will be much worse than the effects of global warming.

Opportunities: If the creators of “Third Way” Technologies are successful in achieving their goals, it will give generations after us a chance to grow up, live, and have the same opportunities as us.

Threats: I think that the biggest threat to this project is us. Even though Global warming began 2 billion years ago when the first fire was created, the impact was nowhere as negative as it is now. If we continue to live the way that we do now, the effects of global warming will become irreversible.

Personal Opinion: I think that Third Way technology is something that we really need right now, but wouldn’t require if we had made better choices in the past.


How long will it take to make Third Way Technology?

How much money will it cost to make this technology?







16 thoughts on “Article #8

  1. you did a a good job presenting your brilliant topic but you should have asked a question in the beginning of you presentation to the class but overall a well prepared topic


  2. It was a very cool and big topic and the article was done well and presentation was done well to. But it could’ve been better if stakeholders were added and if the audience was pulled into it by the presenter because of how big of a topic this is, but overall good job good article.


  3. I believe that this technology will make a difference but not on a large scale. If there are any investors it would receive the boost it needs. A question that I have is have any companies looked into this idea?


  4. good article , but what does it include(third way technology) , you also didn’t ask questions in the beginning , you speech could have been more fluent and you also could have been louder .Still good presentation


  5. What exactly is third wave technology? You were very clear about strengths and weaknesses but I did not understand what the actual technology you were talking about was, and who the stakeholders could be. You could have added pictures/videos.


  6. Harleen,

    IT is a very good topic…but I am a little confused to what the actual technologies are?

    It might be useful to re-read the article and ADD a stakeholder section as this will be critical when marking as a news article.


  7. Harleen, your news article was really good, I liked the way you chose something different from everyone else and decided to do your news article on an issue the world has been struggling with for a very long time. What you need to work on is that you need to talk a bit louder and look at the audience while speaking.


  8. Don’t be nervous, you did a great job with your presentation! If you consider that this technology will be made, you could try using the stakeholders. But is there any images, such as sketches, that you could access and show us? And also: what is this, as well as how would it function?


  9. Great article! Very well presented, maybe could’ve been a bit more louder. To include us to the presentation, ask a question. I agree with you, we need Third Way technology right now. But it wouldn’t require if we had made better choices in the past.


  10. Very nice presentation and article was very nicely delivered , i like this presentation because global warming is the big issue on earth and it’s nice to see countries working on this project.


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